Courses On Paranormal Investigation

Rene Williams has been a freelance writer for over ten years, and is the main contributing writer for DegreeJungle, a college resource site for students and their parents. In her spare time, Rene enjoys reading, and spending time with her son James.

The paranormal is a fascinating subject for many people, both believers and skeptics. The first thing many people think when the topic of ghost hunting comes up is the various shows on television. Although they are interesting, there is much more to paranormal investigating than what you see on television. If you have an interest in spirits or even want to learn more about debunking claims, a paranormal investigation class is a great way to learn the details involved in the process of hunting ghosts. Here are five colleges that offer classes to learn about ghost hunting.

Ivy Tech Community College
Ivy Tech in Indiana offers two different paranormal courses, one is taught at the Kokomo College and the other is offered at the Peru location. The classes are taught by a leading paranormal investigation team out of Indiana, the Indiana Ghost Trackers. The PR director of Ghost Trackers, Al Taylor, helps students learn the world of paranormal behaviour. Students in the course are taught safety measures, a code of conduct and how to use the most common types of paranormal equipment. At the end of the class coursework, students will go on an investigation field trip. Dates and times vary for this course, so check the Ivy Tech Community course offerings to find out when the class is being offered.

Almance Community College

The paranormal investigation course at Almance Community College in North Carolina is taught by Heather Garner Grahan of TimeStoppers Paranormal group and author of the novel, “Christian Psychic”. She has a PhD in parapsychology and experienced with conducting and researching paranormal phenomenon. Students enrolled in the course are taught valuable tips on how to collect evidence, correct investigative procedures and to understand paranormal experiences as well as reporting on haunted locations and spirit sightings.

Harper College

In Palatine, IL, Harper College offers students a wide range of courses relating to the paranormal. Instructors for the different courses have several years of experience with various aspects of the paranormal. Some of the paranormal course options include Paranormal Investigation: A Global Perspective which is a fundamental course on equipment and etc., Paranormal Investigation II is the course to learn process for reviewing evidence, equipment use and various software programs. Paranormal Investigation III teaches how to conduct an investigation, capturing EVP’s and using video. Other courses include researching, managing a team, explaining UFO’s and many other interesting courses.

Kapiolani Community College

Kapiolani College is in the Hawaiian Islands where paranormal activity and superstitious activity occurs daily. Instructors of the class are Preston Galera and Blaise Atabay who found the Hawaiian Paranormal Research Society and are continuously involved in local investigations. The course provides students with valuable information about the Hawaiian beliefs regarding different types of spirit activity, what to expect on an investigation, using equipment and much more.

Volunteer State Community College

The paranormal investigation and training program at Volunteer State Community College in Tennessee is a two day class taught by Tommy Golden. Golden is the founder of Middle Tennessee Ghost Chasers and a consultant for the television series Paranormal State televised on A&E. Golden has been involved with paranormal work for more than 11 years and co-authored a book titled “ Hunting: The Scientific and Metaphysical Approach”.  Students taking the course will learn proper investigation techniques, gathering and reviewing evidence and use of equipment.

It is important to note that without proper training, paranormal investigating can be a dangerous situation. It is highly encouraged that anyone interested in pursuing their interest in ghost hunting take a course to learn safety measures, correct use of equipment and evidence reviewing.

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