People Going Missing In USA National Parks

What is going on in with the national parks of America. Hidden under layers of trees, brush, water, rock and sand, national parks in the United States attract millions of tourists every year. Despite being a popular destination, these parks are prone to cases of people going missing. An unknown number have gone unnoticed for extended periods of time. In addition, there are often conflicting accounts about what caused these people to go missing. Some believe that paranormal activities are to blame while others claim that safety precautions are insufficient. Taken as a whole, these incidents raise important questions about the safety of outdoor activities in national parks.

The number of people going missing in national parks in the USA is on the rise. According to media reports, there were well over 500 cases between 2001 and 2012 alone. In many instances, the exact cause of these disappearances remains unclear. Some believe that a link exists between national parks and an increase in supernatural activity. Others claim that visitors ignore safety precautions and bring disaster upon themselves. I thinks its more than likely a mix of both. Whatever the cause, these incidents can be traumatic for families heaping loss upon loss as they search for their loved ones. As time passes and cases remain unresolved, more and more families fall into despair as they wait for answers from law enforcement agencies.

The reasons for going missing can vary considerably from person to person, since nobody knows what causes some people to go missing in the first place. For example, some people may have mental health issues that make them susceptible to hallucinations or delusions after spending several days in nature’s clutches. In addition, those with addictions may descend into public places such as national parks or hiking trails seeking solace or stimulation elsewhere other than at home or work.

National park visitors must practice good outdoor safety to prevent going missing themselves— especially if they venture into remote areas without a guide or companion . Safety precautions include planning trips ahead of time, carrying a GPS tracker; packing appropriate clothing; avoiding over-exertion; staying alert; carrying emergency supplies; identifying one’s physical condition before venturing outdoors; avoiding alcohol consumption before heading out; keeping a regular routine while outdoors; eating nutritious food before venturing outdoors, etc . 

With caution taken when outdoors, it’s much easier to avoid ending up like those who have gone missing in national parks over time. It’s important that everyone take extra care when outside so they don’t end up like those who have gone “missing”.

Finally, some who go missing may be doing nothing wrong but simply misjudge their physical abilities and get lost or injured while exploring nature’s wonders on their own volition. Whatever the case may be, ignoring safety precautions when visiting nature can have disastrous consequences— even if no supernatural forces were involved. But it must be said, some disappearances are just unexplained, and it does seem that something very strange / unknown was involved.

Weird Light Ball Crosses Train Tracks

Weird UFO light ball Crosses the train tracks. I'm not sure of the location, and I suspect this footage is fake. Perhaps CGI. But it does look good. And if it were genuine, what do you think it is? Could it be a power surge from the electric power lines on the track that's somehow become detatched and formed into a light ball / ORB like glowing ball, because it does seem to follow the line of the cables above. Weird. I would have like to have seen what would have happened when it met with the bushes to the side, but the footage cuts off.

Unless there's a longer version out there which does show the rest of the footage, this makes me think its definitely fake. It's very unlikely that someone who seen this in real life would stop filming until it was totally gone. The interaction with the bushes would have been so revealing as to what this thing was. Would it have set them on fire, vanished, gone straight through and kept on moving. We may never know.

Paranormal Investigation: What Is Needed

The paranormal field is filled with mystery, excitement and adventure for anyone who chooses to become a paranormal investigator. The career of a paranormal investigator offers exciting work that can be exciting and lucrative. Becoming a paranormal investigator requires training, planning and some luck. Anyone can become a paranormal investigator if they are willing to put in the work. Becoming a paranormal investigator involves the purchase of various equipment, mental preparation for physical danger and moral development.

Modern paranormal investigators use technology to gather evidence in favor of the supernatural, such as cameras, psychics, detectors and more. Technology is an important aspect of any investigation because it allows investigators to gather clues efficiently and quickly. All of the equipment used by modern paranormal investigators originated in the military or law enforcement fields but has been adapted for use by ghost hunters.

Many ghost hunters use military grade equipment because it works well with minimal problems. Masks, night vision goggles, thermal imaging equipment, guns / assault rifles, even body armor and more are all used by modern investigators. Investigators must also be aware of local laws when using their equipment so they don’t disturb or harass people without their permission.

Mentally Ready

Mental preparedness is almost as important as being physically prepared when doing paranormal investigations. A person needs to be strong mentally. This type of work is not for everyone. A prospective ghost or should understand that there are always physical dangers associated with ghost hunting; no ghost hunter ever dies or disappears under mysterious circumstances, that we know of anyway. The same can not be said for alien hunters, or people that have had contact with them. As some of have had life changing, and even life ending experiences.

It is also important for prospective ghost hunters to understand how people react to ghost sightings; some witnesses are calm and receptive whereas others react violently towards them. Paranormal investigators must also understand that they will sometimes encounter angry spirits that will try to stop them from discovering the truth about ghosts. This moral development is what determines whether an Investigator will act honorably towards hostile ghosts or turn them into violent entities for his own protection.

All prospective ghost hunters must also develop their character so they don’t get into conflicts with supernatural entities while investigating haunted sites. Investigators should never go alone at night without companions since malevolent ghosts may seduce them into caves or other dark places where they can harm them physically or sexually.

Although everyone has a camera these days, some that can live stream directly to an online cloud service, Investigators should also avoid isolated places where evil spirits can harm them without witnesses noticing what happened to them next. Lastly, all prospective investigators should avoid alcohol since this may cause careless mistakes which could lead to violent confrontations with ghosts or other demonic entities. The same can be said for other drugs, and even medications that impair a persons ability to think rationally and clearly.

Becoming a paranormal investigator is easy if one plans ahead, uses modern technology and develops strong moral character traits while investigating haunted sites!

The Arcturian Aliens Race

Do alien really exist. Some people may say it’s obvious we’re not alone in the universe, and some people may not believe anything about it. Or care too much about it. But with everything from increasingly bizarre reportings from supposedly very credible sources, to basic mathematical probability suggesting the likelihood of alien life, these days it pays to keep an open mind.

I personally think most of them are actually demons. Whatever your opinions, you will find the following examples of alien species here and here are some types that humans believe are real. One of those species is called the Arcturians. Read below for a quick overview of this alien.


The Arcturian Aliens Race: The Protectors of the Galaxy?

The Arcturians are one of the alien races that are known to exist. They are considered by most people who know of their existence to be at the absolute pinnacle when it comes to jaw dropping technology and spirituality. The Arcturian alien race can easily transcend into the 4th and 5th dimensions. Their thought patterns and mental abilities are believed to be supertuned. The Arcturians are also known to be able to shift into other dimensions too. They do have a place they call home. Humans call it Arcturus. Arcturus is the brightest star of the Bootes constellation.  

The keys to gaining such a powerful mental state are peace, love, and healing. They can be anything they want just by thought. In addition, these higher races are capable of creating an object based on the imagination in their mind. The sectarians believe that the harmony of the universe creates a better place for every living being in our galaxy. Therefore, they are the frontrunners who protect our galaxy from the evil alien races. Of which there are many.

The Arcturian Appearance


An apparent real life depiction of what the Arcturians look like.
The Arcturian alien race have a humanoid form with three to four feet in height. Their skin is not grey like the other people think but greenish blue skin with large oval eyes and the color is dark brown round-shaped eyes. Humans have five fingers on each hand, they only have three. The fact that the sectarians only have three fingers is, apparently, related to their telepathic ability. 
For some reason It creates a huge influence when they do telepathy or telekinesis with their mind. This alien is very slender. Based on some information we have gathered, the Arcturians have a long life span where they can live up to 400 years. This is dependant on an individuals mission, or life goal.

Humans have to eat to stay alive. But the Arcturians consume the positive energy around them to feed their mind. They believe that the purpose of life is for spiritual development. That's the reason they are considered as the most intellectual and caring species that are known to exist.

The Arcturians originate from the constellation Bootes. There is a misunderstanding about where the Arcturians actually come from. Some people think that this race comes from Arcturus, but it is not entirely correct because Arcturus is a type of star.  Arcturus is more like the sun, but it's much larger in diameter, mass and also energy. This alien exists in the higher dimensions, yes, but can also appear in our dimension.

The Arcturus

About the Arcturus, Arcturus is the biggest star in the constellation boost. This star is the 4th brightest star in the night sky. It’s really beautiful star I think. It's so big, that it makes our sun look like a tiny ball in comparison. Kind of like putting a football next to a hot air balloon.

Hopkinsville Alien Incident Kentucky

I always find these older alien encounters really interesting. The Hopkinsville Alien Incident happened in Christian County, Kentucky in 1955, and to this day, remains unexplained. A family get-together took went in a different direction all together when some of the family members spotted Alien like creatures in their back garden. Scared by these strange "Aliens", some of the men of the family got their guns and started shooting! After that failed they went inside and locked the doors.

However, these humanoid, weird looking things just wouldn't leave these people alone. After the night was over the aliens were still there in the morning, pestering the family. They just wouldn't go away! After a bit more time, thankfully, they got the message and moved on.

This wasn't the only encounter to take place near Hopkinsville at the same time. Another family had a run-in with what appears to be the same strange alien creatures. Big bulging eyes, and looking almost robot-like, this thing was said to float above the ground rather than need its feet to be on the ground.

Again, the people shot at the aliens. The bullets (shotgun blast) did have an effect on the aliens. Watch the excellent video above [sadly the original video was removed] to find was removed] out the rest of the story! The Hopkinsville alien encounters are still unexplained to this day.

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