Have you seen what the main stream news are constantly reporting on lately? It's constantly being pushed that aliens are here and their technology is far more advanced than ours. Videos of UFOs and statements by former presidents and top military officials are being released left, right and centre. In my opinion this is all part of a conditioning process to prepare the public for an alien invasion. Only problem is, it will be totally fake. A psychological operation (PSYOP).
Orchestrated by the Governments and hidden hands of this world in order to scare and control the public into accepting a new world order. A slave system of total control, where any form of freedom will be a thing of the past. This has been planned for many many years and is now at a pinnacle point of completion. Do not fall for the lies, no matter how convincing it looks or sounds. You have been warned.
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So yeah i'd say this is going to escellate into insanity here realsoon.
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