Are Aliens On The Moon
Did you know? Since man first stepped foot on the moon in the 1960's (if that wasn't a fake event like more people now think it was), they have never physically been back there again since 1972..Why? NASA have never fully answered this question. But many experts believe that mankind in general, were warned off and told never to return to the lunar surface-by ALIENS. The moon is apparently crawling with UFOs and aliens. This was confirmed by NASA astronauts in the 1970's.![]() |
The Moon |
Are there aliens on the moon? From all the reports made by NASA employees that were involved in the space missions, and the stacks of evidence gathered over the years, I would say without doubt there ARE aliens on the moon.
Many years ago, beams of light were seen inside the Clavius Crater The Plato Crater has also had numerous reports made by astronomers that claimed to have seen orbs of light on the Crater. Even today there are regular reports made by astronomers of UFOs flying around the moon.
As far back as 1540, up to 1967 there were almost 600 reports from astronomers of strange events, strange lights, clouds, orbs, and other strange things seen on the moon, or flying over the moon. Operation moon blink, launched in 1965 to monitor the moon by using unmanned satellites to collect data, which included UFOs flying around the moon, and strange lights and structures on the moons surface.
NASA satellites have photographed many UFOs around the moon, also structures on the moon that look very artificial, and seemed to have just appeared from nowhere, such as The Tower, and The Shard.
Ex-NASA employee, Otto Binder accused NASA of censoring radio transmissions from the apollo astronauts so no one else heard what they were reporting back. They also used code names for UFOs. Otto Binder claimed that he heard an Apollo astronaut tell mission control that there were massive UFO spacecrafts parked on the moon, very near to the chosen landing site of Apollo 11.
Buzz Aldrin Walking On The Moon. Photo credit: NASA
Another ex-NASA employee, Maurice Chatelain also claimed that just before the legendary moonwalk of Neil Armstrong, two UFOs were seen hovering above the Sea of Tranquility. Maurice Chatelain also claimed that astronauts reported seeing UFO spacecrafts sitting near a crater and observing the moonwalk of Neil Armstrong. Maurice Chatelain was the chief of NASA communication systems, one of the top guys for NASA, who had a seriously high level of security clearance. He was a NASA insider who even invented many of the radio and radar communication systems for the Apollo space missions. If Maurice Chatelain claims this is the truth and actually says it from his own mouth then I see no reason not to believe him. He is an impeccable witness that has been at the highest level within NASA, and able to talk freely to the top NASA officials.
Whatever warning the aliens gave to NASA it worked. This leads me to believe that NASA knew the type of fire power these aliens could unleash would most probably be capable of destroying the earth with ease, and that's the reason why they have never returned to the moon.
Whether aliens exist at all or not is not even worth asking anymore, they definitely exist. I think you would have to be very narrow minded, specially with all the evidence available. Just to mention a few, countless UFO sightings, alien abductions, cover ups, ancient paintings clearly showing UFOs & aliens, whistle blowers of the highest calibre, such as NASA employees, military personnel, police, astronauts, all coming forward and telling what they know. After all this, to believe that we are the only intelligent life form in this endless universe must take some serious denial of the facts.
Are there aliens on the moon?
Yes, I believe so. But everyones entitled to their own opinion. The information here is just a snippet of what is out there about aliens on the moon. Do more research, look at the facts, and make your own mind up as to whether you believe it to be true or not.
Do you have your own story or opinion about aliens on the moon. Let us know.
Aliens On The Moon Comments
From: ScotThis is the incident that drove me to hunt down websites with info such as yours. Two nights ago, Ocean City NJ, almost a full moon, I was sitting on my balcony staring at the moon and smoking a cig. A tiny light that of which is similar to the size and appearance of known satellites that orbit our planet, shot out from the top portion of the moon and faded into the dark sky as it moved along. It WAS not a satellite and its origin was the moon, bright enough to see with the naked eye but faint enough to go undetected if no one was looking at the moon at that very same moment which occurred and lasted for about 3 seconds. There was NO trail to evident a meteor. A tiny star like object shot out from the moon and simply disappeared.
Didn't Nasa recently say that the moon was artificial?
Aliens are watching us from the hollow moon. Spooky
R.I.P Neil Armstrong.
RIP Neil Armstrong.
Lunar controls our water tides, what else it controls? Advance Satellite in disguise..
I want to go to the moon and camp out for a few days
moons a mystery
The dark side of the Moon has never been explored..
Did america even land on the moon? Evidence makes it look fake
Moon landing fake? Absolutely. One name.. Stanley Kubrick.
Aliens do not live on the moon they live in the moon. the moon does not belong to humanity.The moon is not a lump of rock.It is artificial and is a fully operational space craft.People should not be afraid of this revelation for if the occupants wished to harm us all they would have to do is leave. Without the moon in orbit the Earth would slip from its axis and we would no longer know 4 seasons or tide movements.
I believe that the moon landings were staged by NASA. I think that the space agency would have reasons to fake the famous space mission. NASA has launched numerous "missions" to the moon since 1969, but is it easy to discredit the landing footage.
The landing sites and structures seem authentic enough that they could have been constructed somewhere on Earth. Some believe that the moon landings are real but that NASA has edited the footage to make it look more dramatic. Either way, most people have an opinion on this controversial topic.
Initially, the public was shown footage of Neil Armstrong's landing site in 1969. It showed Armstrong walking on the moon and returning with samples. These were some of the first ever transmitted images from space. Later, Michael Collins landed on the moon and returned with samples from the lunar surface. He also took a few short photos of his landing site before heading back to earth.
This is what gives us our iconic astronaut in a tin foil hat walking on the moon. Although some argue that all of this footage was faked, it's hard to deny that it would convince most viewers due to how asleep they are.
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