Modern paranormal investigators use technology to gather evidence in favor of the supernatural, such as cameras, psychics, detectors and more. Technology is an important aspect of any investigation because it allows investigators to gather clues efficiently and quickly. All of the equipment used by modern paranormal investigators originated in the military or law enforcement fields but has been adapted for use by ghost hunters.
Many ghost hunters use military grade equipment because it works well with minimal problems. Masks, night vision goggles, thermal imaging equipment, guns / assault rifles, even body armor and more are all used by modern investigators. Investigators must also be aware of local laws when using their equipment so they don’t disturb or harass people without their permission.
Mentally Ready
Mental preparedness is almost as important as being physically prepared when doing paranormal investigations. A person needs to be strong mentally. This type of work is not for everyone. A prospective ghost or should understand that there are always physical dangers associated with ghost hunting; no ghost hunter ever dies or disappears under mysterious circumstances, that we know of anyway. The same can not be said for alien hunters, or people that have had contact with them. As some of have had life changing, and even life ending experiences.
It is also important for prospective ghost hunters to understand how people react to ghost sightings; some witnesses are calm and receptive whereas others react violently towards them. Paranormal investigators must also understand that they will sometimes encounter angry spirits that will try to stop them from discovering the truth about ghosts. This moral development is what determines whether an Investigator will act honorably towards hostile ghosts or turn them into violent entities for his own protection.
All prospective ghost hunters must also develop their character so they don’t get into conflicts with supernatural entities while investigating haunted sites. Investigators should never go alone at night without companions since malevolent ghosts may seduce them into caves or other dark places where they can harm them physically or sexually.
Although everyone has a camera these days, some that can live stream directly to an online cloud service, Investigators should also avoid isolated places where evil spirits can harm them without witnesses noticing what happened to them next. Lastly, all prospective investigators should avoid alcohol since this may cause careless mistakes which could lead to violent confrontations with ghosts or other demonic entities. The same can be said for other drugs, and even medications that impair a persons ability to think rationally and clearly.
Becoming a paranormal investigator is easy if one plans ahead, uses modern technology and develops strong moral character traits while investigating haunted sites!
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