Many very high ranking Air Force Officers give their evidence and story's of some of the UFO incidents they encountered while on duty within various roles of the USA military. Worryingly, their encounters involved UFOs that had the technology to be able to shut down the Nuclear Weapons held at army bases. The people telling what they know are, Robert Salas, Charles Halt, Robert Hastings, Bruce Fenstermacher, Dwynne Arnesson, Patrick McDonough, Gerome Nelson and Robert Jamison. These people should be praised for having the courage to step up and make themselves heard.
UFO National Press Club Conference
There you have it. Dont fall for this BS. All they are trying to do is convince you that aliens are not demons in order to prepare you for the fake alien invasion thats coming to a city near you very soooon...
I have a thought about the so called summer stars/planets thats in a perfect triangle formation that i never noticed until a week ago. Those three star/planets seem to be moving and glowing different color lights. Why are they in perfect formation. Why does the moon float right bye it every night. Is it hollow too
Does carcasions have more alien dna then blacks?why are asians so short. Different breeds of ape monkey species mixed with pale white alien dna would have to be looked unto
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